


Area km2: 130,375

Population: 6,486,201

Capital: Managua

ISO 3166: NI


Population density:
49.8 hab/km2

National flower:
Red frangipani (Plumeria rubra)



Agriculture is one of the central economic activities in Nicaragua, and its most relevant crops are cotton, coffee, sugarcane, bananas, plantains, sesame, maize, cacao, peanut and beans. Nicaragua produces protein from meat and poultry as well as feed concentrates. Nicaragua mainly exports coffee, shellfish, meat, sugar and bananas. Nicaragua imports staple crops, even though the country has one of the largest arable lands in Central America.


 GM Crops


Does the country plant GM crops?


For the time being, the country does not commercially produce GM crops.

Are there local developments?


For the time being, there are no local developments of GM crops in advanced stages.

 Benefits of GM crops



For the time being, Nicaragua does not grow GM crops.

 Regulation of GM crops

Brief description of the regulatory framework

Even though Nicaragua has a general regulatory framework in place (as per the Basic Law in Animal and Plant Health), the country still needs to develop the specific proceedings required to obtain authorization for the performance of GMO-related activities.


 GM animals


Does the country produce GM animals?


For the time being, the country does not commercially produce GM animals.


Brief description of the regulatory framework for GM animals

Nicaragua has not yet enacted a regulatory framework for the assessment and authorization of activities involving GM animals.


Are there local developments?


For the time being, there are no local developments of GM animals in advanced stages.


 Multilateral Fora


Nicaragua is member/party of: