Soja Trading
Biotech LATAM Trade - Product Profile

LATAM exports 81,972 MUSD of GM soybean to 139 countries.
This section focuses on exports of products and by-products of GM crops from countries with 70% or greater adoption rate of those GM crops. Seeds, niche market products or molecular farming products are not included.LATAM GM soybean product exports (MUSD)
Exports of products and by-products derived from GM soybean from each country in millions of dollars (MUSD) over the years. Each color corresponds to a country.
LATAM GM soybean product exports (Mton)
Exports of products and by-products derived from GM soybean from each country in millions of tons (Mton) over the years. Each color corresponds to a country.
Soybean exports by product
GM soybean export, by LATAM's countries.
Share of LATAM in world exports of Soybean (%)
Percentage of what is exported worldwide of this product originating from LATAM and from each country (calculated in export values).Soybean's main export destinations
Top 5 destinations for GM soybean exported from LATAM, shown in millions of USD (MUSD), LATAM and each country's percentage share in total soybean exports and LATAM and each country's share in total destination country´s GM soybean imports.
# | Destination | MUSD | Share (%) in LATAM's Soybean Exports | Share (%) in destination country Soybean imports |
1 | China | 35,314 | 42.7% | 68.1% |
2 | India | 4,343 | 5.3% | 73.1% |
3 | Netherlands | 3,298 | 4.0% | 25.6% |
5 | Argentina | 3,275 | 4.0% | 100% |
4 | Tahiland | 2,796 | 3.4% | 87.1% |
Soybean's main export destinations
Export destinations of GM soybean from LATAM.
Based on Comtrade and BCH data. Ave. 2021, 2022, 2023